Each map shows the locations of all historic and other community assets (and local businesses / other attractions) that participate in the project. Use these maps as your guide to public spaces such as parks, information centers, churches, museums, libraries, and other sites of interest (additional maps will be added when they become available). Here you also may add locations of community spaces that you find significant.
Westmoreland County Community Asset Map
This project began as part of the activities surrounding Westmoreland County’s 250th Anniversary celebration, slated for 2023. A special thanks to Evan Tobin (AICP planner and GIS consultant) for volunteering his time to create this map and input form! Also thank you to Cindy Leonard Consulting for volunteering for the project’s initial web-design services.
Historic Vandergrift Asset Map
This project was made possible by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s Mini-Grant Program as well as the collaborative efforts of local community development organizations led by the Vandergrift Improvement Program (VIP), Strong Growth Alliance (SGA), and many local business owners and community members.
The project was funded in part by a Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Laurel Highlands Conservation Landscape mini-grant, administrated by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC)