Wednesday, September 16, 2020
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Farmers Markets Before, During, and Post COVID-19
Fee: $50
Register at:
Farmers markets have long served as a way to increase food access in low-income area, support small farmers and local businesses, and bolster a strong, locally empowering economy. Now, with food insecurity heightened, the agricultural food supply chain at risk, and local economies devastated by business closures, farmers markets can fill a critical health and economic gap.
Deemed essential businesses by several states including Pennsylvania, farmers markets underwent huge changes when COVID-19 struck in March 2020. Managers had to quickly redesign market layouts and procedures to follow the state guidelines as well as create processes for online ordering. The outcome has seen markets attract different customers and have changed how markets are viewed within their communities. This webinar will address how farmers markets have become an integral part of our communities and the impact they have had on communities.